There are thousands of original, unique stories from diverse backgrounds, just waiting to be told. But getting a show from concept to transmission is hard, even for experienced, talented, & connected producers. We believe in the power of using digital communities to help these stories come to life.
But building a community is hard, almost as hard as making a show. And that’s where Showrunner comes in.
Showrunner is a digital platform for TV shows to secure funding and build and monetise fanbases.
The television market has never been more exciting than it is now, but it’s also never been harder to get a show into production.
We support showrunners and producers by providing systematic access to high quality capital for development and production and we help them build a strong fanbase for their show from idea stage.
Early stage fanbases are an incredibly powerful tool for creators and producers to build social proof for their ideas. They provide a rich data source, a revenue stream and add huge weight to your pitch to a broadcaster or streamer.
If you are interested in finding out more about how to raise capital for your project or build an early fanbase for your show, get in touch.